Happy 78th Birthday, George Harrison!

The legendary George Harrison of the Beatles, the Travelling Wilburys, and an incredible solo career should have been 78 years old today.

The Beatles and its four members are all incredibly important to me, very near and dear to my heart and have been since as long as I can remember (Yellow Submarine is the very first non-Sesame Street or Blue’s Clues song I can remember liking). I’ve never been able to choose a favorite Beatle, I actually alternate between the four for random periods of time I’ve found. But George has always been consistently fascinating and endearing to me. He’s sort of an underdog; in the earlier years he never got as much attention as his three bandmates, but then BOOM! In the latter part of the 1960s, he proved himself to be one of the greatest songwriters of all time, and he never stopped. All Things Must Pass is his solo album that gets hyped up the most, but I love pretty much all of them. Cloud Nine, his self-titled, Brainwashed, Living in The Material World, Somewhere in England… all classics.

Happy birthday, George! Love ya.

And Now, Here’s Something We Hope You’ll Really Like…

Been watching my DVD of the first season of Rocky & Bullwinkle the past week. I grew up watching reruns of that show on TeleToon Retro (any Canadians in the audience remember when that was a thing? I miss it), and it definitely played a huge role in shaping my sensibilities/sense of humor when it came to making cartoons. It’s aged really well, too! Still funny stuff! Gonna order the remaining seasons on DVD once I’m done with this one.

Anyways, above is a drawing I did today to pay tribute to the moose and squirrel. They’re lots of fun to draw! Gave Bullwinkle the blue gloves he occasionally had in some of the bumpers but not in the actual cartoons, continuing my inexplicable fascination with characters colored in wrong.

Home Sweet Home

Feeling a bit burned out lately, between college and, y’know, this fucking worldwide pandemic still raging on after more than a year. Couldn’t really think of a big drawing tonight, so I did a quick Homer doodle. More in my own style that the show’s, just because.